Stories of Life and Mission
By: SSpS Sisters
Story telling is a part of our tradition, part of our lives. The stories contained in this booklet are stories of faith, shared by the Sisters who wrote them. Each one was moved to see and feel God in her life in the story she tells.
Gathered together, they form a series of pieces of the puzzle of God's gift of Mission, which God allows each of us to share. We have shared these stories with each other. Now, we share them with you! May you experience God's love in your life as you read these stories and contemplate your own story of God working through you.
About the Author
Our presence as Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit in this province or anywhere in the world is to be one of interiority and creativity. By our lifestyle, our love for others, our involvement with the things of the Lord, and our engagement in a variety of ministries, we become conversant with both the “still point” and the “turning world”. We offer this pattern of the Gospel which we ourselves live to the society of our times in such a way that by the power of the Holy Spirit working through us that society might be encouraged, healed, sanctified, and made whole.