Welcome to the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) ministry page!

Here at JPIC, we advocate for those living on the margins of society. We dedicate ourselves to working to ensure that every
individual has the opportunity to live a life of dignity. We accomplish our work through emphasis on four pillars of activity:

  • Advocacy
  • Awareness
  • Action
  • Prayer

JPIC focuses on a wide range of issues including immigration, human trafficking, the environment, domestic violence,
poverty, race and more. Read Pope Francis' Message for World Day of Peace 2016 here. In that light, justice, peace, and
integrity of creation are not merely something we do; they are at the very heart of our religious missionary vocation
toward communion. It is our hope that by advocating, educating, acting and praying together on these crucial concerns,
we can learn from each other and grow closer to God's call for a more just and peaceful world.

Won't you join us?

Sr. Rose Therese Nolta, Program Coordinator, JPIC
(847) 441-0126 ext. 1609

JPIC Statement on Gun Violence

During this Lenten Season we pray for an end to violence and work for peace in our neighborhoods while we pray and advocate
for gun control. The JPIC Office has made a statement on Gun Violence as well. To read our official statement in response to the
Florida Parkland High School shooting and gun violence click here. Let us work together to end gun violence wherever
it is as we continue to work on state and national advocacy.

Thank you for your efforts,


During this time when anti-immigrant sentiments, misinformation and hatred are finding a way into laws, policies and ways of dealing
with immigrants, we, Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, believe it is especially urgent that we stand with immigrants and with those who
share our passion for justice for immigrants.

In 2010, the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters issued the following declaration:

We, the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, in collaboration with dedicated laity and clergy, strive to live and proclaim the Gospel of God's love,
justice and peace by reverencing the dignity of each person and creating a spirit of hospitality. With the strength of the Holy Spirit,
we stand in solidarity with immigrants, refugees and displaced persons of diverse cultures and traditions and minister as well as
journey together with them.


The Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters have been sent to immigrants from the very beginning. The first Sisters from our Motherhouse in Steyl
were sent to an immigrant community in Argentina. We recognize that "the dignity and intrinsic value of the human person is more important
than any material help we can give... In our efforts to combat hunger, ignorance and the denial of human rights, we follow Catholic social
teaching and the directives of the local church." (Constitutions)

We are "to journey in the direction of valuing life and, networking with others, to responsibly protect and promote life in all its forms."
(Congregational Directions - 2008) In January, 2003, the U.S. Bishops issued the pastoral letter, Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope.
In that document, the U.S. Bishops articulated five principles that govern how the Church responds to public policy proposals relating to immigration.

Download Corporate Stance on Immigration pamphlet - PDF Version.

  • Support and impact immigrants through lobbying, letter writing, e-mailing and networking for policy change.
  • Raise immigrants' awareness of their rights and dignity as humans by visiting them in detention centers and listening to their stories.
  • Participate in a public rally, town hall meeting, visit to public officials' offices, etc. When possible network with others on immigration.
  • Weekly Advocacy Alerts on the current state of immigration reform, prayers, resources and various actions you can participate in Click here


Learn about:
  • Current immigration issues and realities Immigrants face
  • How our faith approaches immigration

  • The rights of immigrants
  • Laws (local, state and federal)
  • How immigration is linked with social justice and the Gospel

How should I educate myself and others:
  • Personal contact—listen to life experiences from an immigrant’s perspective
  • Watch documentaries about immigration (see Resources)
  • Read articles discussing immigration issues (lives of others) — not just about policies
  • Attend discussions, webinars and presentations (see Events)
  • Learn a new language—learn about other cultures


  • Identify with immigrants
  • Overcome the “other” mentality of hatred and indifference: Respect and Kindness—welcoming attitude
  • Become aware of language/correct and proper use of it Ex: use of “undocumented person” instead of “illegal alien”
  • Be mindful of how we speak about immigrants
  • Invite your Church/Parish to become an Immigrant Welcoming Congregation
  • Host or plan an event with neighboring parishes, such as “Christians and Immigration Today”
  • Participate in the prayer vigil at Broadview Detention Center on Fridays
  • Serve the immigrant community – Service projects might include helping out in the field of education, working a Hotline, etc.
  • Continue our work with the SVD-SSpS-SSpSAP Immigration Team (Joint Immigration Venture)
  • Change personal attitudes


Our commitment as Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters:

  • Pray for immigrants and have others become aware of immigrants' situations
  • Hold prayer services/Holy Hours for Comprehensive Immigration Reform
  • Say petitions during Liturgy
  • Keep immigrants and immigration concerns in our prayers in order to transform us, the system and the world
  • Pray for our ministries with immigrants


If you would like to learn more about exploitation in the world and what you can do to advocate for those effected by it please click here for more information.

Corporate Stance

We, the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, stand in solidarity with the victims of human trafficking and take a corporate stance against the
trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation, prostitution, forced labor and/or real or virtual slavery. Through valuing life and
promoting the human dignity of each person, we uphold the dignity and human rights of those exploited and journey in
building communities and societies of Gospel justice.


From the beginning of our congregation, we have served as women for and with women. "We consider it an important mission to enable women
to grow in awareness of their personal dignity and their role in the family, the Church and society" (Constitution 109.3). The practice of human trafficking
exists here in the U.S. and worldwide. It is a violent and inhumane exploitation of the human person and is incompatible with the values of the Gospel;
therefore, the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters oppose the trafficking of human persons.

Catholic Social Teaching explains that "All human beings are clothed in the same personal dignity. For this reason they must be respected, and no reason
can ever justify their being used at whim, as if they were objects" (Pope Benedict XVI, January 1, 2007). We, the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, pledge
ourselves to pray for women and children caught in human trafficking, to educate ourselves and others regarding the magnitude, causes and consequences
of human trafficking, work for change in society by supporting anti-trafficking legislation and collaborate with others to work to eliminate the root
causes of human trafficking and minister to victims of human trafficking.

  • Support and impact victims of trafficking through letter writing, emailing and lobbying for policy change.
  • Network with others on human trafficking.
  • Support the United Nations agenda on anti-trafficking.


Learn about:
  • The magnitude, causes and consequences of human trafficking
  • Key issues of human trafficking here in the USA/Caribbean

  • The rights of trafficking victims
  • Laws concerning human trafficking (local, state, federal and international)
  • How human trafficking is linked with social justice and the Gospel

How should I educate myself and others:
  • Personal contact—listen to survivors' stories
  • Watch documentaries about human trafficking (see Resources)
  • Read articles discussing human trafficking issues
  • Attend discussions, webinars and presentations
  • Learn how to spot the signs of someone who is being trafficked or a person who is trafficking others

  • Collaborate with others to work to eliminate the root causes of human trafficking
  • Network with others to minister to victims of human trafficking in ways that are possible for our province
  • Collaborate with organizations that focus on human trafficking
  • Empower women where we are serving


Our commitment as Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters:

  • Prayer Services and Holy Hours for victims of human trafficking, especially women and children
  • Petitions during our Liturgy
  • Personal prayer to transform the system
  • Ongoing prayer for the release and healing of those who are trafficked
  • Ongoing prayer for the traffickers - for their change of heart and repentance


If you would like to learn more about exploitation in the world and what you can do to advocate for those effected by it please click here for more information.

Corporate Stance

We, the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, believe the Earth was created as an inheritance from God to all of humankind - a gift the Creator
entrusted to us to care for and use wisely. Every inhabitant of this planet is called to be a steward of Earth's bounty, beauty and resources.


A key element of this stewardship of Earth is the responsibility to protect God's gift from those who - either knowingly, or through
ignorance - seek to destroy the precious endowment that is nature. As we see our fragile, but essential, ecosystem being threatened,
we strive to protect and preserve the gift of our environment for present and future generations.



Learn about:
  • Current environmental issues and realities
  • How our faith approaches environmental preservation
  • The connections between climate change, economic development and poverty


How should I educate myself and others:
  • Personal contact—listen to stories
  • Watch documentaries about the environment (see Resources)
  • Read articles discussing environmental issues
  • Attend discussions, webinars and presentations

  • Rent a space in your community garden, or plant a garden in your backyard
  • Collaborate with others to work to eliminate the root causes of environmental degradation
  • Network and collaborate with environmental organizations (Religious Coalition of the Great Lakes)


Our commitment as Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters:

  • Prayer Services and Holy Hours for the preservation of our environment
  • Petitions during our Liturgy
  • Personal prayer to transform society's view and treatment of the environment
  • Ongoing prayer for those without access to valuable, life-giving natural resources that our Earth so lovingly provides
  • Ongoing prayer for the corporations who profit from corrupting our environment - for their change of heart and repentance


If you would like to learn more about the environment and what you can do to advocate further please click here for more information.

JPIC is involved in many other issues. We work on several campaigns and collaborate with organizations who are working on these
same issues. Below are just some of the other issues we focus on, as well as other organizations involved in those areas.

2020 Census Toolkit

VIVAT International

VIVAT International is an organized network of all the members of SSpS and SVD, CSSP, ASC, CMS, MCCJ, MSHR, OMI, LSA, Cssp, SCJ,
RA whose work, expertise, and experience has a direct bearing on issues related to social justice, development, peace and ecology, and
whose work, expertise, or experience has direct bearing on issues related to social justice, development, peace, or ecology. They are a
non-governmental organization (NGO) with special consultative status at the UN, uniting the voices of it members from around the world.
They serve their members and the global community through a presence at the UN and particularly by bringing spiritual and ethical
values to the UN and other international organizations.



Workers' Rights


Fair Trade
Contact Us

Contact the Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation:

Sr. Rose Therese Nolta, SSpS

Program Coordinator, JPIC

Get in Touch