“Lead by the Spirit,
Embracing the World!”
As mission collaborators with the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, YOU, through your generous financial support, embrace the lives of the poor and marginalized, especially women and children. Our mission service in the Province of the United States – Caribbean is focused in Antigua, Jamaica, St. Kitts, and Urban USA.
Molineux, St. Kitts: Holy Spirit Catholic Preschool
(Click here for more information)
Our Sisters conduct a pre-school for poor children ages 3 and 4. By providing this early childhood education, the preschool renders social and educational skills, and the children are no longer left alone or roaming the streets.
However, for all the following reasons children need to be turned away:
- Tuition assistance/scholarships ($150.00/term per child)
- School supplies ($100.00/term per child)
- Lunch meals for children ($120.00/term per child)
- Covid-19 sanitation supplies ($500.00/term)
- Exterior improvements: hurricane shutters and new playground equipment:
(Estimated total cost: $20,000.00)
Your gift in any amount serves the needs of the mission
Holy Spirit Catholic Pre-School.
Morant Bay, Jamaica: Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Preparatory School, and Social-Pastoral Ministry (
Click here for more information)
School Ministry:
- Tuition assistance/scholarships ($180.00/term per child)
- School supplies ($200.00/term per school)
- Sanitation ($500.00/term per school)
- Interior improvements: ($6,000.00)
Ceiling in three classrooms and security cameras
Pastoral Ministry:- Community base project: improving living conditions, food and medical assistance, care for children, spiritual support, natural disaster relief.
Chicago, Illinois: Holy Spirit Life Learning Center (
Click here for more information)
Suggested support for:
- Tuition assistance for ESL students ($200.00/term per student)
- Tuition assistance for After School Program ($150.00/term per child)
- Tuition assistance for Summer Peace Camp ($300.00/per child)
- Covid-19 sanitation supplies ($1,000.00/per term)
Missionaries in Action
We invite you to partner with us in service to God’s people. If you are interested in learning more about our volunteer opportunities, please
Click Here to contact Mrs. Arantxa Martinez.
Prayer Request(s)
We ask for YOUR prayers for our missionaries and the people among whom they minister. Many live and work in difficult, lonely, and dangerous situations. Pray for Them! To request the prayers of our sisters for your intentions:
Click Here.
Support Us
We invite you to join us in any of the above mission projects. You can support the mission in St. Kitts, Jamaica, USA, or simply make a donation for any of our missions…
To make an online donation using a debit/credit card:

To Mail a donation:
Check payable to:
Holy Spirit Missionary SistersConvent of the Holy Spirit
Attn: Mission Secretary
319 Waukegan Road
Northfield, IL. 60093
(Please remember to specify the purpose of your donation)