
Gripped by The Mystery
Arnold Janssen - Man of Prayer

By: Franziska Carolina Rehbein, SSpS

When we look at Arnold Janssen's prayer life in its entirety, we cannot fail to notice a characteristic feature: the composition of numerous oral prayers. Right from his schooldays at Gaesdonck he wrote prayers: for his family, then later as a young priest for the members of the Apostleship of Prayer, for the readers of his magazine, and for the members of the three Congregations he founded. It is tempting to ask whether his prayer life exhausted itself in oral prayers and remained mainly in that sphere.

Arnold was gripped by the mystery of the Trinity, especially by the way in which it is revealed and communicated in incomprehensible love as a mystery of salvation in human history. That is the centre of his life, and his prayer, thoughts and actions revolved around that. In the course of the various phases of his life, it was revealed to him inwardly with increasingly new and greater depth, and he wished to share it with others in the measure with which it was given to him. That is the reason for his numerous oral prayers. He felt urged to show people this richness of divine love and goodness and to bring them to share in the mystery to a deeper degree.

About the Author

Sr. Franziska, a very talented writer has completed yet another thoughtful book for readers of all kinds to enjoy. This current piece offers deeper insight into Saint Arnold and his passion for religious life. One reader expressed her gratitude by stating the following "I can hardly wait to read Sr. Franziska Carolina’s latest book – on Mother Theresia Messner! All of Sr. Franziska’s books have been such a great help in appreciating our wonderful heritage and those who founded our congregation." Sr. Priscilla Burke, SSpS