Living the missionary experience during 2020-2021, we had to back-track our programs due to the increase of the Coronavirus infection. We had planned and prepared to start the annual faith formation programs for the Hispanic Community. This year we will continue to strengthen basic Christian formation to the Hispanic immigrant community, most of who are from the Dominican Republic, Cuba, and Venezuela. We offer support in Spanish, especially for adults, through meetings in preparation for the Sacraments of Eucharist (First Communion) and Confirmation.. The pre-teens and youth are integrated into preparation programs with the English-speaking community.We also offer workshops for parents and God-parents to the Sacrament of Baptism. During the year we conduct retreats during the Advent, Lent, and Pentecost Seasons. Traditionally we gather to pray the novenas for Christmas and Our Lady of Altagracia. We continue with formation workshops in Lectio Divina, moments of prayer, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. In collaboration with our Deacon, we make weekly visits to the parish families, especially to the sick. Our regularly scheduled radio program is another means of evangelization. Through it, we are able to reach more home and workplaces. Father Robert Ratajczak, SVD, and at the request of the people, many of whom have become unemployed, have proposed sewing workshops, bakery workshops, computer workshops and support classes especially for children ages 6 to 12 years. Also, this year we want to start art workshops in catechesis. Important for us, at this time, is that the pandemic is receding and the health situation of our people allows us to carry out our pastoral and missionary work.
Your prayers and the generous support of benefactors help us to provide materials for these workshops. We are grateful for all that you do! In the face of the many adversities and setbacks in which we live today, let us not lose hope! Let us not allow ourselves to be anesthetized by the coldness that seems to reign in these times. As long as we remain attentive to those around us, as long as we continue to struggle and build a world that needs each one of us, and at the same time “infect” ourselves with the gift of others, we will be gentle, kind, and above all, we will be HUMAN! Let us not lose the opportunity to listen to the voice of God within us and rejoice in knowing that GOD LOVES US!
We, Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, are an international religious community of women disciples. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we invite people to a deeper communion with the Triune God by living and proclaiming the Gospel of joy, love, peace, and justice. In dialogue with people of diverse cultures and traditions, we minister together with them in promoting human dignity, life-giving relationships, and care for all of creation. To learn more about the Vocations Ministry and SSpS please click here.